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Welcome to the ASIS Greater Kansas City Chapter Website

Our chapter serves the greater Kansas City area of both Missouri and Kansas. The security profession makes the world a safer place and has a positive impact on the future of the organizations and stakeholders we serve. ASIS is the global leader in security professional development, education, and standards, transforming lives through the leadership we provide, the communities we create, and the products and services we deliver.​​​

It is the goal of ASIS and this Chapter to serve as an active resource for information on various security and management skills by exposing members to all disciplines so they can become key players in the modern business environment.

I would like to encourage you to review our website for resources and security opportunities. If you are not already an ASIS member now is the perfect time to join.

Event Recap

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  • January 12, 2023 7:39 AM | Jared Oakden, CPP, PSP (Administrator)

    The Greater Kansas City Chapter held its first meeting of the year on January 5th. The program comprised of a presentation by multiple people which focused on the benefits of ASIS membership both at the local and international levels. We also had the opportunity to swear in the new 2023 Board.

  • December 08, 2022 8:20 AM | Lisa Price

    Had a great time at our final event of 2022 at Top Golf where we enjoyed food, drinks and networking. The outgoing board was recognized, and the incoming board congratulated. Special thanks to Angela Joplin and Bill Carroll for their service!

  • November 22, 2022 1:22 PM | Jared Oakden, CPP, PSP (Administrator)

    Every year the Great Kansas City Chapter puts on the  physical security technology showcase. This year we combined the event with our annual chapter awards ceremony. 

    We we had over 70 registrants and 19 vendor displays. We're looking forward to next year!

  • November 07, 2022 10:24 AM | Jared Oakden, CPP, PSP (Administrator)

    On October 27th, at the Kansas City Metropolitan Crime Commission's annual law enforcement appreciation luncheon, the ASIS Greater Kansas City Chapter had the honor of presenting the Clarence M. Kelley award to Chief Kevin Freeman of the North Kansas City Police Department. Congratulations, Chief Kevin Freeman, and thank you to the Kansas City Metropolitan Crime Commission for inviting us to be part of this amazing event and community each year. 

  • October 27, 2022 8:33 AM | Lisa Price

    Many thanks to Theresa Bentch, Director of Security, Environmental and Safety, and Risk Assurance, and Andrei Ivan, Physical Security Manager at Garmin International for hosting and presenting the ASIS Greater Kansas City chapter luncheon for October.

  • January 11, 2022 9:57 AM | Jared Oakden, CPP, PSP (Administrator)

    We had a very busy 2021 as we continued our practice of virtual chapter meetings, but finally got to meet in person a few times towards the end. In our December meeting, we had a great time with food, drinks, and making new connections at Boulevard Brewing Co.

    We also had the opportunity to give our thanks and appreciation to the 2020 and 2021 Chapter Chair, Rick Dunn. He skillfully and thoughtfully guided the chapter through one of the most challenging times in our organization’s history. He was the principal driver behind updates and changes to our website and communications that lead our chapter to win the multiple ASIS International awards at GSX 2020 including Chapter Website of the Year! We also recognized Mike Betten for his years of service to our chapter and region as the Region 3A Regional Vice President. Thank you to both of you for all you have done and continue to do for the Greater Kansas City Chapter.

    At the same December event, we had the chance to recognize the incoming board for 2022:

    •  Chair - Jared Oakden, PSP
    •  Vice Chair - Bill Carroll, CPP
    •   Treasurer - Angela Joplin, CPP
    •   Secretary - Landon Jones, CPP, PSP, PCI

    Feel free to check out their Bios and learn more about their backgrounds and experience at this link. The Board is always looking for more members to step up and volunteer on official committees and at events. If you are willing, please reach to the board directly for information at info@kcasis.org.

  • October 11, 2021 12:34 PM | Deleted user

    The Greater Kansas City ASIS International Chapter is pleased to announce an educational session aimed at partnering with local law enforcement agencies in developing their knowledge of implementing sound security strategies. Local security professionals from several disciplines will introduce participants to a multitude of private security principals and practices. The information will aid local officials in assisting their constituents in developing economically sound security strategies for both home and work.

    For more information on the session and registration please contact:

    Michael Betten, CPP
    (816) 926-4147

    Further event information and Registration: https://kcasis.org/event-4529829

  • February 04, 2021 11:30 AM | Richard Dunn, CPP

    This February our very own Brock Josephson, Young Professional Committee Chair, gave a presentation focused on developing an effective technology strategy prior to the deployment of security measures is crucial.

    Presentation: Click Here
    Video: Click Here

  • January 21, 2021 11:30 AM | Richard Dunn, CPP

    We kicked off the year with a presentation from Deputy Allen Kisler, a Master Deputy with the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office in Olathe, Kansas since 2001. 

    Presentation: Click Here

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Focus on Our Members

Please welcome our newest chapter members:

Isaac Chiodini Burns & McDonnell

Caleb Morris Titan Protection & Consulting

Gene Turner

Scott Thomas          Genetec

Contact Us:

PO Box 410043,

Kansas City, MO, 64141

Email: info@kcasis.org

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